Attention Small Business Owners Seeking Profit Growth...

"High Performace Club"
your premium monthly passport to unlock unparalleled performance gains!

Welcome to our "High Performance Club" for aspiring entrepreneurs, where success is not just a destination but a transformative journey. This club serves as your personalized guide on the path to achieving incremental gains and continuous improvement throughout your startup odyssey.

Join us in unleashing your true potential and charting a course towards entrepreneurial excellence.

Small wins equate to bigger gains by getting 1% better every day.

Transforming Ambition into Habit: Join ‘High Performace Club’ where we don’t just provide solutions we nurture habits. Every month, experience meticulously curated insights, strategies, and expert advice specifically crafted for small business growth.

The High Performace Club will help you embrace the power of small wins!

Join a community of like-minded individuals, where collective growth is celebrated. Our expert-led workshops and resources are your daily practice ground for becoming 1% better in the realms that matter most for your business. The journey is tough, but the transformation is profound.

High Performance Club” isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving. Embrace the ethos of continuous improvement, and watch as your transformation evolves one percent at a time. Because in the world of entrepreneurship, the magic happens in the small, intentional steps. We are all about getting better, every day.

Get Access to Top-Tier Coaching from the
Automation Agency


We've Coached, Trained & Ascended Over 5,000 Clients In The Last 10 Years


We Pride Ourselves On Providing An Unforgettable 5-Star Experience


We Love Supporting Growth Minded Businesses To Achieve Results

The High Performance Club Is For Those Who Want Faster Results.

As an aspiring entrepreneur who has launched their small business but may be facing challenges in gaining traction and making it profitable you have come to the right place for guidance and strategies to overcome obstacles, attract customers, and grow in your business to a sustainable level.

Success Story

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These guys have just saved our life.
– Stephanie Zarriello (Keap User)

Everything You Need To Grow Your Business!

When you sign up today, you’ll get access to exclusive resources, expert coaching, training, and become part of a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. Sign up today to receive mentorship from our growth experts.

Ineffective Marketing

Many start-up owners struggle with marketing their products or services effectively, resulting in low visibility and customer acquisition. They need guidance on how to create and implement marketing campaigns that reach their target audience and drive sales.

Limited financial resources

Start-up owners often face financial constraints, making it challenging to invest in essential tools, resources, and marketing initiatives. They need strategies to optimize their limited budget and make the most out of their available resources.

Ineffective time management

Balancing multiple responsibilities and tasks can be overwhelming for start-up owners, leading to poor time management and productivity. They need strategies to prioritize tasks, streamline processes, and maximize their efficiency to achieve their business goals.

Jason Benedict

Co-Founder of Automation Agency

“Joining our High Performance Club program is one of the best investments you can make in yourself and for your business. Our coaches will develop customized growth strategies that will give you the confidence to design sales and marketing automation solutions that will maximize the return on your investment with Keap.”

Purchase the High Performance Club
for $24.97 per month

A Proven Path To Help You Grow & Scale

Welcome to our "Performance Club." Where we understand that success is not just a journey, but a destination.

A Proven Path To Help You Grow & Scale

Welcome to our "Performance Club." Where we understand that success is not just a journey, but a destination.

A Proven Path To Help You Grow & Scale

Welcome to our "Performance Club." Where we understand that success is not just a journey, but a destination.

Think About The Financial Impact Your Business Will Have If You Don't Take Action Today!

Think about how much money on average you are wasting on ineffective marketing each day.

How many lost opportunities have passed you by because you don't have a frictionless customer journey?

Embarrassment, frustration, lack of sleep, weight gain, confusion and isolation will continue until action is taken.

How many important family events have been missed or will be missed because you're still doing things the hard way?

When you don't take the time to invest in your personal development it becomes harder to reach your full potential.

How many customers are you losing because you're not nurturing them or automatically following up with them?

It's Just Remarkable

The support that I get from you and the ladies is just remarkable. It’s a great way to start and I really appreciate your attitude and your receptiveness. I just want to get across how much I appreciate the time and the effort everyone is putting into it.– David Lark


Ready To Achieve More Growth, Save Time & Enjoy More Freedom From Your Business?

Let's take the guesswork out and take your business to the next level!

Ready To Achieve More Growth, Save Time & Enjoy More Freedom From Your Business?

Let's us take the guess-work out and take your business to the next level!