We Help Businesses Create
More Growth, Profits & Freedom
By Leveraging Automation & AI

We Help Businesses Create More Growth, Profits & Freedom By Leveraging Automation & AI.

Sales Funnels

Step One: Take The C3 Quiz.

Step Two: Identify The Biggest Growth Gaps In Your Business.

Step Three: Get A Customized Plan To Fix It!

Step 1: Take The C3 Quiz.

Step 2: Identify The Biggest Growth Gaps In Your Business

Step 3: Get A Customized Plan To Fix It!

Learn Automation Agency's Tested & Proven
C3 Growth Framework

 At Automation Agency we have coached, trained and onboarded more than
5,000 small businesses with our C3 Growth Framework.

Automation Agency

The PROBLEM most businesses face...


The RESULT ...

How Much Is Your Broken Sales Funnel Costing You?

Many businesses struggle to create marketing automation and conduct sales automation that help them save time, grow revenue, and automate manual tasks. When your sales funnel is broken you miss out on the opportunities that matter most.

How much money are you wasting on ineffective marketing each day?

Are lost opportunities passing you by because you’re not automating your follow up?

How many customers are you losing because you’re not nurturing them?

Are you missing out on precious time with family?

How many negative experiences are your customers encountering because you dont have a frictionless customer journey?

Are you experiencing confusion because of inaccurate data and dispersed reporting?

At Automation Agency, We know what it feels like to grow a small business from the ground up. Long hours, juggling competing tasks and deadlines, missing family events, fear, stress, confusion, frustration, and the never ending follow up with clients.

Our Simple 3-Step Process Helps You To Identify Where We Can Make The Biggest Impact In Your Business.

Step 1:
Take The C3 Quiz.

Step 2:
Identify The Biggest Growth Gaps
In Your Business.

Automated Agency

Step 3:
Get A Customized Plan To Fix It!

“At Automation Agency, We Build Campaigns, Marketing Automation & Customer Journeys That Create More Sales Growth, Margin Growth & Value Growth For
Your Small Business.”

See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

They Automated Personalized Gifts For My High-End Custom Home Buyers & Created An Incredible Customer Journey For My Custom Home Building Business

"Automation & AI" has allowed us to provide a personalized touch throughout the entire construction process, ensuring our clients feel engaged and well-informed every step of the way."

Felipe Freig | Versa Homes

Amit Kakar, Pharm D. - Avalon Pharmacy

We Grew Our Customer Base by 63% & Captured 40% of Our Local Market

"I went from 0 emails in my database to over 6,000 in 3 years. Our pharmacy now has 8,200 patients in a small town of 20,000. I have now serviced 40% of the entire population through Avalon Pharmacy. We’re not just competing with the big-box retail pharmacy chains, we’re outperforming them. We’re breaking sales revenue goals, so the business process automation I’ve implemented has given me so much more freedom to do what I love. I’m no longer just dispensing prescriptions; I’m making a societal impact. All thanks to the Automation Agency."

Amit Kakar, Pharm D. | Avalon Pharmacy

a portrait of Dr Jamie Wilkey

I Started My Business From Scratch & Made $800,000+ in 2 years

"Specifically, from the moment the Automation Agency introduced me to Keap, I was able to abandon my notebook approach, categorize prospects, and identify the most likely to become my customers using Business Process Automation. Since every interaction is trackable, therefore you can see your database grow and understand through email opens and click-throughs which communications are the most effective in creating engagement."

Dr. Jamie Wilkey | Arches Health LLC

Brandon Anthony Clark - Thrive Wealth Solutions

This was the best money I've ever invested

"You know, the best money I've ever invested. I'm naturally not a very structured person. I'm more creative. But when the Automation Agency was able to sit down with me and ask me all these questions about my processes, questions that I didn't even really know should be asked, Automation Agency asked. You were able to take that information and plug it into that flow chart, incorporating Business Process Automation techniques. And when I saw the flowchart, I was just so impressed. I was showing everybody that I had another partner who wanted to experiment with the system. And I showed him the flowchart, he said, Man that is elite, just the start to finish."

Brandon Anthony Clark | Thrive Wealth Solutions

Having Coached, Trained & Serviced More Than 5,000 Small Businesses & Launched Thousands Of Sales Funnels & Marketing Automation Campaigns Across Nearly Every Industry & Vertical Imaginable, We Understand The Many Challenges That Small Businesses Face. Whether You’re A Startup, An Established Business Or Looking To Scale To 7 or 8 Figures A Year, We Can Help You Grow Your Business & Do More Of What You Love While Implementing Business Process Automation to handle the rest.

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