How American Turmeric Increased Sales Revenue By 52%

If you’re like most small business owners, you wear a lot of hats. You might be the CEO, the CFO, and the head of marketing all rolled into one. And while you might be a jack of all trades like turmeric farmer Ed Taylor, from American Turmeric Company, there’s one area where you could probably use a little help: automation.

Luckily, there’s a tool that can take some of the daily tasks off your shoulders and help you collect more leads, convert more clients, and create more fans: Keap.

Keap is a CRM and all-in-one sales and marketing automation software that helps small businesses automate repetitive tasks, data collection, email marketing, invoicing, collecting reviews, getting more referrals, and following up with prospects and clients. 

American Turmeric Company is one of the many small businesses that has leveraged the power of marketing automation and Keap to great effect. In the last year alone, they were able to grow sales by 52%.

“It’s amazing to see our clients continue to grow revenue from the campaigns, automation, and customer journeys that we’ve developed leveraging the power of Keap and its sales and marketing automation solutions,” said Jason Benedict Co-Founder of the Automation Agency.

One way American Turmeric Company was able to increase sales was by using marketing automation to launch targeted email marketing campaigns. They used behavioral data — like which products a customer purchased and time lapsed since a customer’s last purchase — to segment their list and send each group highly-targeted messages. For example, they sent discounts to first-time buyers and special offers to customers who hadn’t purchased in a while.

Behavioral data is data that describes the observed actions of customers. It gives you real insights into how people are using or will potentially use your product. The Keap CRM helped the Taylors to not only grow turmeric but also grow their customer base.

“It is one thing to hear what people say they want, but to see how they actually behave is even more insightful for business owners to make decisions that can lead to accelerated growth and better customer service,” said Benedict.

Another way American Turmeric Company increased sales was by using lead generation forms on their website. They used these forms to capture new leads of potential customers who had shown interest in their product but hadn’t made a purchase yet, and then followed up with them through automated email drip campaigns without losing the personalized touch required to build client relationships. These follow-up emails contained valuable content like educational tips, remedies about turmeric and what it does for inflammation, along with recipes for making everything from drinks to shakes to delectable meals with this miracle plant.

With the help of the Automation Agency implementing proven and tested marketing automation strategies into their business, American Turmeric Company was able to free up the necessary time needed in their business to focus on expanding their product line into new markets like skincare and dog food. They even donated 30 pounds of turmeric each month to the North American Elephant Reserve to help elephants with arthritis!

“The problem with elephants is the same problem with humans or dogs or anything – is that as we get older, our joints get stiff. We have so many testimonies Jason, from people that have experienced the healing qualities of turmeric. It’s really a privilege for us to be able to do what we do, and work with some of these people,” said Ed Taylor, Owner of American Turmeric Company.

When asked about how Ed and his wife Diane balance the farm life of growing turmeric along with running a small business and keeping organized, he said, “Soon after we got our website up and got our E-commerce site going, started selling products, shipping – we didn’t realize it, but we were building a customer base. But we didn’t really know what to do with it (at that time). They were just names and email addresses in a spreadsheet. So, we started thinking, what are we going to do with it (the email list)? I don’t know who’s buying, you know, more than once, who are my repeat customers? What are they buying? Where are they located? I didn’t know any of that stuff. So, we started looking around and we found Keap and the Automation Agency and decided that Keap was the vehicle that we wanted to use to put our information in regarding our customers.”

This was a leading indicator that the Automation Agency identified during their initial assessment that could help American Turmeric Company benefit from analyzing its behavioral data. By tracking, storing, and organizing their customer database in one centralized cloud-based solution, using Keap, these powerful analytics along with automation proved effective in helping them grow sales revenue and increase their efficiency.

Before hiring the Automation Agency to help them build out more advanced automations and designing a frictionless customer journey, the American Turmeric Company started leveraging Keap on a basic level.

“We started doing that in a rather simplistic way. And then we discovered there was this thing called Zapier, that would move our customer data out of our website every time we made a sale, and it would put into Keap,” said Taylor.

Like most new Keap users who start with humble beginnings, their curiosity grows alongside their sales, leading to continued revenue growth and more efficiency in their business, which means more margin growth. More margin growth means more profits and longevity for small businesses.

“The thing that impressed me once I understood what was going on… Is that this is an evergreen process. It’s not something that you need to focus on daily. Like you know, you wake up, you set your priorities, you do the important things that need to do. Once the automations are set up in Keap, you know, as far as I know, as long as there are computers, as long as there’s the internet, that’s kind of going to keep grinding it out. I don’t have to go in. And I mean, I can update it if I need to. But it just works. And that’s the miracle to me, is that we’re able to communicate to our customers, through the series of seven emails, initially, we have reminders in there, we have thank you’s in there – it’s just been very interesting. And to me, one of the more rewarding parts of what I do is work with Keap and work with Automation Agency, and see this thing work,” said Taylor.

So, if you’re looking for a way to grow your small business, investing in marketing automation software is a great place to start. Marketing automation will help you save time and money while still reaching new customers and growing your sales. Just take it from American Turmeric Company—automated campaigns helped them increase sales by 52% within their first year of working with the Automation Agency.


When asked about why Ed and his wife Diane chose to work with the Automation Agency, Ed stated “I liked your approach. I just liked the feeling of it. I liked what you showed us you could do. And I’ve said to you and to others before, that the team that you have the team that we worked with through Automation Agency, was part of my team. It wasn’t just your people. It wasn’t just Automation Agency, people that we were working with, they were our people. Because, really, we are in the middle of all of this, we launched a whole new website, that was a big deal for us to launch a whole new website. We brought on our new products and your team members were right there with us. If we need technical work done, it was done. They really went above and beyond what I had expected to help us solve some of the problems that we faced.”

Interested in getting results like the American Turmeric Company? Request A Free 14-Day Trial To Keap, (the all-in-one CRM for Sales & Marketing Automation) and receive a complimentary 1-hour assessment of your business from the Automation Agency.

Hiring An Employee vs Automating Your Sales, Marketing & Operations

It’s a controversial decision that can positively impact your business or leave you paying unemployment taxes if things don’t go as planned.

Likely one of the biggest challenges that small business owners face is knowing when to hire. However, one of the most overlooked and cost-effective solutions could be deploying sales and marketing automation solutions at a fraction of the cost to an annual salary.

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase profits, grow your company, and get an edge on the competition. You want to find ways to do more with less and increase your bottom line. So, how do you know when it’s time to add an employee to your team or when you can get by with sales and marketing automation?

The Pros and Cons of Hiring an Employee:

There are a few things to consider before you decide whether to hire an employee or deploy sales and marketing automation. The first is cost. Hiring an employee obviously comes with a salary and benefits costs, which can add up quickly and repeats and increases every year. And even if you’re able to find someone who is willing to work for relatively low pay, there’s no guarantee that they will be any good at their job. In fact, it’s often said that the cost of bad hires can be twice as much as the salary of a good one. So, if you do decide to go the traditional route, make sure you take your time in finding the right person with the experience to achieve your desired results.

The second thing to consider is training. Even if you’re able to find someone with the necessary skills, they will likely need some training before they’re able to hit the ground running. This can be time-consuming and expensive, so it’s something else to keep in mind when making your decision.

The third thing to consider is maintenance. Once you’ve gone through the trouble of finding and training someone, you then must keep them motivated and on track so that they continue to do their job well. This can be a full-time job in itself! If you’re not prepared to invest the necessary time and effort into maintaining your staff, then it might not be worth it to hire someone in the first place.

The Pros and Cons of Sales & Marketing Automation:

Now let’s take a look at sales and marketing automation and see how it stacks up against hiring an employee. The first thing to consider is that it’s a fraction of the cost. While there is an initial investment required for setting up automation software, it will almost certainly be less than the cost of hiring even one employee. Additionally, there are usually nominal ongoing fees associated with automation once it’s been set up. Once it’s running, it will continue to do its job without any additional input from you. And best of all automation won’t call in sick, it won’t show up late or request to go on vacation when revenue is down or before a big deadline.

The second thing to consider is training; while some basic knowledge of how sales and marketing automation works is required, it’s far easier (and less time-consuming) to learn than training someone from scratch on how to do their job.

The third thing to consider is maintenance; unlike with employees, there is very little maintenance required once sales and marketing automation has been set up. You might need make occasional adjustments as your business changes over time, but for the most part, you can set it and forget it!

“We often encourage small business owners to look at their investment in automation as a minimum of a 5-year investment. We have many clients that are using the same automation, systems, and processes that we deployed 8 years ago. And that automation is consistently driving ROI and efficiency in their business. And that same automation has provided some of our clients a 10x – 20x ROI of their initial investment. Now, think about what that investment would have cost the small business if they chose to hire a salaried employee. It could have likely cost them upwards of $60,000 a year annually over the last several years,” said Jason Benedict, Co-Founder of the Automation Agency.


Business owners should always be looking for ways to streamline their operation and increase efficiency. One way to do this is to automate as much of their sales and marketing process as possible. However, there are certain tasks that are better suited for human beings. So, how do business owners know when it’s time to add an employee or when they can get by with sales and marketing automation? By considering factors such as the type of task being performed and the frequency with which it needs to be performed. Also doing a quick comparison of the cost of implementing automation software vs hiring an annual salaried position is an easy identifier. With these key factors in mind, business owners can make an informed decision about whether they should deploy automation or bring on an extra pair of hands.

Ready to get started with automating simple tasks like collecting leads, automating follow up emails, scheduling appointments, and sending invoices so you can get paid faster?

Request A Free 14-Day Trial To Keap, (the all-in-one CRM for Sales & Marketing Automation) and receive a complimentary 1-hour assessment of your business from the Automation Agency.

7 Reasons Your Business Needs A Flowchart For Your Sales Process

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know that a successful sales process is key to keeping your business afloat. But do you have a clear understanding of what your sales process looks like? If not, it’s time to create a flowchart and funnel diagram. Doing so will help you visualize your sales process and identify any areas that need improvement.

A flowchart is a diagram that depicts a process, system or computer algorithm. They are widely used in multiple fields to document, study, plan, improve and communicate often complex processes in clear, easy-to-understand diagrams.

Sales processes can be long and complicated, involving many different people and touch points. A well-designed flowchart can help simplify and streamline your sales process, making it more efficient and effective.

Here Are 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Flowchart For Your Sales Process

1. To Define and Document Your Sales Process

The first step to streamlining your sales process is to define and document what your sales process looks like. This will give you a clear understanding of the steps involved and help you identify any bottlenecks or areas of improvement. A flowchart is the perfect tool for this purpose because it provides a visual representation of your sales process that is easy to understand and share with others.

2. To Identify Bottlenecks and Areas of Improvement

Once you have defined and documented your sales process, you can use your flowchart to identify any bottlenecks or areas of improvement. This is important because it can help you make changes to your sales process that will make it more efficient and effective.

3. To Communicate Your Sales Process to Others

A flowchart is also a great tool for communicating your sales process to others. If you have a sales team, for example, a flowchart can help them understand the steps involved in the sales process so that they can follow it more effectively. This can also be useful if you outsource parts of your sales process to third-party providers.

4. To simplify a Complex Sales Process

Many sales processes are long and complicated, involving many different people and touch points. A flowchart can help simplify a complex sales process by breaking it down into manageable steps. This makes it easier to understand and follow, which can lead to improved efficiency and effectiveness.

5. To Improve Your Customer’s Experience

Your customers’ experience should be at the forefront of everything you do in your business, including your sales process. By Streamlining your sales process with a flowchart, you can improve your customer’s experience by making it simpler and easier for them to buy from you. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are both essential for long-term success.

6. To Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness

An efficient and effective sales process is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today’s competitive marketplaces. A well-designed flowchart can help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales process by identifying bottlenecks and areas of improvement. This will lead to increased revenues and profits, which are the ultimate goals of any business.

7. To Stay Ahead of the Competition

In today’s competitive business environment, it’s imperative that you stay ahead of the competition. One way to do this is by continuously improving your sales process so that it is more efficient and effective than theirs. A flowchart can help you do this by providing a visual representation of your sales process that is easy to understand and share with others. By using a flowchart to improve your sales process, you will be able extend your competitive advantage and maintain a leadership position in your market.


Flowcharts are an essential tool for anyone who wants to streamline their sales process. By defining, documenting, and visualizing the steps involved in your sale, you will be able to identify areas of improvement and optimize your workflow for greater efficiency. This will give you a significant competitive advantage in today’s marketplace. Flowcharts are also valuable communication tool that can help ensure everyone on your team is on the same page regarding the sale steps involved. Implementing a flowchart into your existing sale procedure can help take your business to the next level.

Request a professionally designed and custom-built flowchart and funnel diagram for your sales process today: