Automation Agency Client Spotlight : Jeanne Shockey, Chicago Liposuction Dec 2021
December 19, 2021

Jeanne Shockey has been in the cosmetic industry her entire career. She and her “silent” business partner, established Chicago Liposuction in 2009, while Jeanne continues to direct all aspects of the practice as the Chief Operating Officer.
Throughout the last 12 years has been the go-to choice for liposuction and cosmetic surgery in the Chicagoland area. Through their continuous dedication to patients, relentless focus on delivering amazing results with unparalleled and personalized customer care they continue to lead innovation through procedures and through their marketing and operations.
Chicago Liposuction has become part of an elite group of super-specialists in body sculpting and body contouring. They specialize in offering patients the most sophisticated, technologically advanced, and minimally invasive liposuction procedures available in the world today.
“Almost everyone struggles with stubborn fat at some point during their lives. Sometimes, diet and exercise simply are not able to resolve excess fat in key areas of the body’ Jeanne offers. ‘That is the main thing we do; we help people get rid of extra fat through suction. We also perform tummy tucks, facelifts, skin tightening, breast augmentation, butt lifts, and cellulite reduction.”
The first ten years following the 2009 launch was a period of steady growth for Chicago Liposuction’s business, thanks to patient referrals and positive reputation feedback.
Pre-Covid Face-to-Face Business Model
Before 2020 Chicago Liposuction was unwavering in the manner they responded to, and they initially consulted with patient leads. The process always started with an in-person visit, to enable the staff to listen and understand their story and the emotions they were feeling.
The practice was highly successful employing this business model. However, whenever new patient activity slowed, the staff was using a manual process that utilized a Google spreadsheet with over 30,000 prospect names and phone numbers to call. It was a haphazard process of identifying the right prospects at just the right time. The time spent by Jeanne and her staff contacting potential leads and then coordinating their efforts through a massive number of daily email updates became a regular burn with a continuous midnight oil routine that was not sustainable for continued growth.
Unfortunately, the Covid outbreak soon shifted the emphasis with fewer prospective patients initiating contact with the practice, forcing Jeanne and her staff to place a significant increasing reliance on the Google spreadsheet. At the same time, the Google list was growing and growing, and Jeanne Shockey realized she needed to get rid of it and replace it with a more automated and systematic approach that was more efficient.
3 Month Shutdown
In February 2020 Chicago Liposuction had to shut down because, even though they were a medical practice, they were considered a non-essential service. Undeterred, Jeanne and her staff began calling patients from home to let them know they were not closing the doors permanently. In fact, as soon as they were able to re-open the doors, they were going to implement a new game plan for patient contact, consultation, and surgical procedure scheduling with a new system that was under development during the shutdown.
During the closure, they were able to reach all their patients by phone and reassure them, they were preparing to re-open as an even more efficient company. Because otherwise, when they finally opened the doors on May 15 according to Jeanne, “We would have just re-started from that moment with the same outdated approach, and it might have crumbled us.”
While the office remained closed, Jeanne hired the Automation Agency, to completely revamp their sales and marketing strategy to align with a plan that implemented a proven and tested lifecycle marketing framework (used by thousands of small businesses), along with her own account to Keap, the leading CRM for Sales & Marketing Automation (SMA).
Automated Agency Helps Make the Impossible Become Possible
When Jeanne received access to Keap she immediately saw the value in having all the data in the cloud through one centralized location (which helped her to save time and get better organized), while also creating a customer journey that would help her remove many manual tasks and obstacles that she faced daily and replace it with sales and marketing automation.
The Automation Agency’s implementation plan of the lifecycle marketing framework is a three-phase approach, Collect Leads, Convert Clients, and Create Fans. In Jeanne Shockey’s case the Automation Agency focused on creating a better approach to identifying more qualified leads and converting clients by encouraging them to automatically upload photos and schedule virtual consultations using the power of JustCall, a call-tracking, call-recording and sms solution that integrates with Keap. This process not only eliminated what Chicago Liposuction was doing manually, but replaced it with a clear and concise integrated strategy that automated the missing pieces or gaps where staff just didn’t have the time in the day to properly complete when using a manual process.
“It’s important for small business owners to know exactly where their prospects and customers are in the buying cycle so they can provide them with appropriate information at each stage: collecting leads, converting clients, and creating fans,” said Jason Benedict, the Co-Founder of the Automation Agency.
The ability to replace the chaos of mining a massive Google spreadsheet on a haphazard basis would be a significant turning point for Chicago Liposuction. Specifically, the moment Automation Agency introduced Keap & JustCall, Jeanne was “able to leave the spreadsheets, numerous daily phone calls, and email updates behind, and begin to categorize prospects, and identify the most likely to become Chicago Liposuction patients.
The Agency’s experience in creating highly customized individual communications, suitably segmenting prospects by category, and focusing on the prospects with the highest probability to become patients, had an immediate impact for Chicago Liposuction. The Keap CRM & JustCall software recommended by the Automation Agency not only helped to accelerate the restart of Jeanne’s business, but also transformed the practice by securing before photos and scheduling virtual consultations. Jeanne offered, “We suddenly had patients from seven states schedule surgery following a virtual consultation. Our staff were booking hotel accommodations for patients from California and Alaska who wanted to come to Chicago Liposuction for their procedure.”
It is also important to note that Keap is highly customizable. Jeanne remarked this can be critical for a medical practice for two reasons: “First, we spend so much money looking for a new lead, we forget that someone that contacted us a year ago, two years ago, or nine years ago could still be a new lead. Maybe they just were not ready to move forward then, but their circumstances changed. Second, many medical practices require multiple follow up appointments. Patients clear of Covid with each follow up, they need to be cleared again, and again. Chicago Liposuction asks our patients to text us daily with a photo following a procedure and we realized we have this cool tool to monitor and discuss their healing progress virtually.”
With Keap, 100% of your company communication is trackable. You have a clear idea of how and when to message your prospects and customers, targeting the ones most engaged.
Jeanne volunteered her favorite feature from JustCall, the call-tracking, call-recording and sms solution that was integrated with their Keap account. “If a staff member is sick one day, I am able to add a message to their phone and notify the caller their call is being forwarded to me. And then when my phone rings, the system tells me who the call belongs to and identifies the patient.”
According to Jeanne Shockey, “What has impressed me most about working with Automation Agency is you are always there, and you never tell us no. I feel like I’m releasing my stress on you. I feel like you hear my pain, you put it in a bucket, and figure out how to take it away by preventing it in the first place.”
Jason Benedict responded, “Obviously, you had great success with Chicago Liposuction, you were successful before us. We just looked at the process to learn how we could simplify and improve the process for you. And now it’s just opened up a world of opportunity for you and your team to target a wider audience to come to your practice.”
Innovation Continues
The changes introduced at Chicago Liposuction have transformed the way they do business. “Our relationship with Automation Agency and the Keap sales and marketing automation CRM software allows me to do what I love to do best, to grow, manage, mentor, and inspire my staff rather than being bogged down with a stream of internal emails, posted notes, counting numbers, and pouring over spreadsheets,” adds Jeanne.
The Automation Agency is an award-winning marketing agency and Keap Certified Partner that helps small businesses to grow revenue, expand clientele, enhance productivity, increase sales, and enjoy more freedom from their business by automating their sales and marketing while maintaining consistent growth within their business.
The Agency wants to help you make your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur or small business owner a reality. Which is why they offer a 14-Day Small Business Bootcamp Challenge, which gives you access to all the powerful marketing automation tools, like Keap to help you embark on a new path or to help you overcome the obstacles you are encountering on your current track. Sign up for our Free 14-Day Small Business BootCamp Challenge and get access to Keap today!
Chicago Liposuction COO, Jeanne Shockey, together with the Automation Agency continue to find new applications for the cool tool.
One of the recent successful activities implemented by the Automation Agency for the Chicago Liposuction practice was a re-engagement campaign to contact all prospects that participated in a consultation but did not follow it up by scheduling their surgical procedure. This campaign alone resulted in driving more than $150,000 in paid procedures within 1-week’s time.
Yet another brand-new campaign was to launch a patient photo contest to showcase the post-surgical improvement achieved by Chicago Liposuction on previous patients, and to promote its services to other prospects through positive feedback.
To learn more about Chicago Liposuction visit call (847) 995-9000.
To contact the Automation Agency, call 602-900-9345 | visit | email [email protected]
- Category: Uncategorized