How can you measure the ROI of marketing automation?

If you’re looking to demonstrate the efficiency of your marketing campaigns, these straightforward ROI formulas can assist you in evaluating their value and determining whether they contribute to your growth.

If you’re not familiar with terms like LTV, YOY, COGS, and conversion rate, it’s time to brush up on some marketing ROI formulas. Gaining an understanding of these fundamental principles will enable you to evaluate the success of your marketing activities and identify areas for improvement.

Next time you find yourself questioning whether the money you invested in Facebook ads has been recovered from generated clients, you’ll know all the answers if you’re wondering what the typical increase rate of website traffic is for this quarter.

Make use of these ROI calculations to examine and verify the impact of your digital marketing and social media platforms.

What does ROI mean?

ROI is an abbreviation for return on investment, which refers to the value gained from your marketing efforts and expenses. It measures the effectiveness of your marketing actions in generating value compared to the investment made. In essence, ROI aids in determining the most beneficial marketing initiatives.

To evaluate the tangible returns for your business, it’s essential to calculate and analyze the impact of your marketing campaigns. This involves considering the time, money, and resources invested and determining which campaigns have been the most beneficial for your business.

Here’s a simple formula to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns:

Marketing ROI = (total sales – investment) / investment X 100

The company is making money from its marketing expenditures if your ROI is positive (above 0). We all strive for a positive ROI! Conversely, a negative return on investment (ROI) means that you lost money since you invested more than you made.

Although marketing ROI may initially appear complex, once you grasp a few basic formulas, you’ll be able to quickly assess whether you’ve achieved your ROI goals.

Discovering how to measure marketing ROI involves understanding and utilizing effective marketing ROI formulas.

The approach you select for calculating marketing ROI will depend on the objectives of your campaign.

Here are some possible objectives:

– Enhancing brand visibility

– Generating higher engagement year over year

– Driving more conversions

– Raising the lifetime value (LTV) of customers

Each objective will impact the choice of ROI formula used for calculations.

Formula #1: A Guide to Measuring Basic ROI in Marketing

Calculating return on investment (ROI) may seem surprisingly simple, but it’s important to avoid a common pitfall: neglecting to include the cost of goods sold when considering gross profit.

Here’s a simple example of how to calculate your return on investment (ROI) as an online fashion retailer using Instagram Story ads:

Let’s assume you spend $200 on Instagram Story ads and manage to sell 10 t-shirts at $30 each, resulting in a total revenue of $300 (10 shirts x $30). Use these steps to determine your ROI:

  1. From your total sales of $300, deduct your marketing expenditure of $200. Once you’ve accounted for the Instagram Story ads, you’re left with $100 in profit.
  2. Take your marketing cost ($200) and divide it by the profit you earned ($100). The answer is 0.5.
  3. Your ROI = 50, can be found by multiplying the result (0.5) by 100.

According to this calculation, we anticipate a noteworthy 50% ROI.

While this method provides an easy way to calculate ROI, it fails to account for the costs associated with the product or service being sold. To obtain a more accurate measure, it is recommended to subtract the production costs from the gross revenue and calculate ROI based on the gross profit.

Discover a more precise method for calculating your return on investment (ROI)

Calculating return on investment (ROI) can be straightforward, yet it is important to avoid a common pitfall: Using gross profit calculations without accounting for the cost of products sold is a typical mistake. By factoring in all relevant expenses, you can obtain a more accurate and holistic understanding of your ROI.

To calculate ROI, which stands for return on investment, it is important to include the details regarding the sale of a $25 t-shirt and the $10 profit made on each unit. Here’s the equation to determine ROI:

(Total revenue – total cogs – marketing investment) / marketing investment) x 100 is the formula for ROI.

Below is an explanation of each of the constituent: parts:

Total revenue: This refers to the sales generated by your marketing campaign, which includes the purchase of the product.

Total cost of goods sold (COGS): COGS encompasses various expenses related to the production of the t-shirts, such as raw materials, labor, and factory costs. Generally, the finance team will have the necessary data for calculating COGS.

By considering these factors and applying the ROI formula, you can accurately assess the effectiveness of your marketing investment.

To calculate your Return on Investment (ROI), begin by determining your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and adding it to the equation provided above. Consider this example: the finance department has informed us that for every $30 t-shirt sold, we generate a profit of $25, resulting in a COGS of $5 per unit.

For example, the total cost of goods sold (COGS) for our Instagram Story marketing campaign would be $50 if we sold 10 items.

Now, we can proceed with calculating our ROI by considering the total revenue generated from selling 10 products at $30 each, which amounts to $300. Additionally, our total COGS is $50, representing the expenses incurred for the Instagram Story ads as a marketing investment.

Subtract the marketing expenditure ($200) and COGS ($50) from the total revenue ($300) to arrive at our ROI value of $50. By dividing $50 by our total marketing expenditure of $200, we obtain 0.25. Multiplying this by 100 gives us a percentage of 25.

Hence, our ROI stands at 25%. This suggests that investing time, money, and energy on Instagram advertisements is a beneficial use of the company’s resources.

Calculate year-over-year growth using marketing ROI formula.

One widely used way for precisely calculating growth is the Year-Over-Year (YOY) method. It offers a way to take seasonal variations into account, guaranteeing a more accurate assessment. Consider an online retailer where strong December sales could be overshadowed by a big spike on Black Friday. In a comparable way, a blog post that becomes popular one month may appear to indicate a fall in traffic that stabilizes the next month.

Using year-over-year (YOY) computations doesn’t have to wait until January. YOY can be used to compare monthly data, e.g., comparing the total traffic in July 2021 to the traffic decline in July 2022. Quarter-over-quarter (QOQ) analysis is another option for examination over different quarters.

For Example, In 2020, we had a total of 90,000 visits. Fast forward to 2021, we recorded an impressive 100,000 visits. This signifies a growth rate of 10 percent, representing an increase in social traffic.

  • We can calculate this growth by subtracting the previous year’s total from the current year’s total (100,000 – 90,000 = 10,000).
  • Dividing this difference by the current year’s total (10,000 / 100,000), we find that the growth rate is 0.01 or 1%.
  • Multiplying this percentage by 100, we obtain the growth rate of 10%.
  • Therefore, in 2021, we experienced a 10% growth in social traffic, surpassing the 90,000 visits in 2020 and reaching a total of 100,000 visits.

It is easier to comprehend how well various social media platforms work for you when you consistently assess year-over-year (YOY) growth. For example, you may have found that, in 2020, Facebook worked best for your marketing goals; however, in 2021, TikTok and YouTube outperformed Facebook in terms of efficiency.

According to marketers surveyed for the Hootsuite 2022 Social Trends survey, TikTok and Pinterest are becoming more and more important, while Instagram and Facebook are becoming less effective. Marketers can figure out if channels are growing more or less relevant by analyzing growth from year to year.

Evaluating marketing campaigns’ return on investment (ROI) is essential to determining their effectiveness in assisting decision-makers. Key ROI formulas are introduced including year-over-year (YOY) growth estimates and basic ROI, offering insightful information on campaign success. Through awareness of these measures and the adoption of ROI assessment, companies can enhance their marketing tactics to achieve long-term expansion.

About Automation Agency

Automation Agency is a renowned marketing agency that assists small businesses in boosting lead generation, client conversion, and fostering a strong fan base. They achieve this by harnessing the power of their proven and tested C3 Growth Framework. Founded by the dynamic couple, Jason and Therese Benedict, Automation Agency offers a wide range of services. To learn more about how they can drive your business growth, get in touch with a Keap Marketing Automation Expert. You can reach them by calling or texting 602.900.9345 or visiting their website at

Contact Information:

Jason Benedict

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 602.900.9345